Tips for Privilege Assignment
CM Server Control Privileges

To edit the commands of a script button on a panel, use the Commands tab page. You need both the ModifyPAN and the EditScriptButton Privileges.

Online Control

Always assign the privileges of this category together with the MonitorTimeBase privilege. The MonitorTimeBase privilege allows a user to connect to a timebase. Thus, a user who does not have this privilege cannot start data acquisition, start a batch, or take over control of a timebase.

In addition, it does not make sense to grant a user the TakeOverControl privilege, but not the ControlTimeBase privilege. In this case, the user could take over control, but could not control the devices.


You can use the Server Configuration program to restrict the control of the server and/or timebases on other servers. Select an object, and then select Properties on the context menu. For example, if the Control check box is cleared on the Access Control tab page, the user can control the timebase locally on the server. However, the user cannot control the same timebase remotely from a different PC, even with the ControlTimeBase privilege. The equivalences are as follows:


Server: Allow Remote...

CmUser Privilege





Data Acquisition



Batch Control
